Diana Mander and Bill Stanhope
How did you come to live at Sibbersfield?
At the time, we were considering buying a property just outside Frodsham. One day, whilst in the estate agents, we saw a curious property for sale and we could not decide quite what it was, whether it was detached or not. Accordingly we decided to go and find out. When I saw the hens and the stables – that was it!
What are your main memories from living here?
After moving in, we discovered that there was much we had to learn, most importantly we had to understand about the wellwater. Unaccountably, we kept losing our water and then we discovered a hero by the name of John Bradley, who devised various ways of recovering it. In the event, the water became contaminated and after consultations with neighbours we changed to mains water.I have not found life dull here, in fact my nephew’s girlfriend once said “Diana, you are living in a “soap”.” She meant the comings and goings of neighbours, especially at Stable Cottage, which is next door.
What significant occasions/milestones happened while you were living here?
Of important events which have taken place, I would name the millennium celebrations, they were tremendous. Everyone was in the courtyard of the House, ladies wearing tiaras and everyone blowing horns as the clock struck twelve. There were also two weddings, Emily Hancock of Sibbersfield Hall and the more recent wedding in the Parkes family at Sibbersfield House.It was a sad day when Shirley and Bob Carter moved out taking all their animals. I especially missed the horses, but now there is a new young family at the Hall.
Diana Mander and Bill Stanhope lived in Grace Cottage from 1989 to 2008.
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